• DAJOMA Inspector

Safety First! When an emergency occurs, every second counts!

Wasting time figuring out a solution can make the difference between life and death or mean losing your most precious possessions.

Une the form included in the game box to conceive your own Evcuation Plan. Collect all fourteen (14) FIre Department.''Evacuation Plan'' cards and modify them to suit your personal needs. 

Inspector Dajoma also invites you to give copies of the form to your friends and family. 

It's always better to be safe than sorry!


Year of publication
Non available
Bilingual version French/English
Ages 8 to Adult
Number of players
2 to 4 players

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DAJOMA Inspector

  • 25.00$

Tags: jeducational game, security measures at home and at work accident, fire, prudence, regulatios to follow, Formation Déclic Inc.